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Log your Déjà Vu Events

Easily track your experiences with our web-based app. Log in, record your experience, and save it for future insights. Our app helps you spot patterns and explore the science behind your déjà vu moments, making it simple to understand these fascinating experiences.


Deja vu Initiative

Welcome to The Deja Vu Initiative, where we delve into the fascinating world of deja vu. Join us on a journey to uncover the mysteries behind this intriguing phenomenon.

Research Goals

At The Deja Vu Initiative, we are dedicated to researching the intricate connections between deja vu and global consciousness. Our studies aim to shed light on this phenomenon and its implications on human perception and memory.

Data Analysis

In-depth Examination

Collaborative Projects

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Insights Revealed


Sharing Knowledge

The Déjà Vu Initiative is dedicated to exploring the science, psychology, and philosophy behind déjà vu. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of memory, perception, and consciousness.

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